Most equities advanced last week mostly thanks to central bank largesse in Japan and the U.S. Economic data were mixed including those released in the U.S. including jobless claims and retail sales. The new week begins with China’s gross domestic product for the first quarter along with March industrial production and retail sales. Bank of England watchers will parse the minutes of its meeting held earlier this month. With a split vote in the Monetary Policy Committee, watchers will look to see if those who would like to see increased quantitative easing are winning any converts to their position.

We are traders and masters of risk. When you become pro you stop over analysing and all you do is sit there, and wait, and wait, and wait some more until you find the perfect trade. What I am saying is that the market makes all the decisions. Our only decision is to listen, feel, and respond to the market’s siren. Always and without exception. Remember, the market never lies. It is only we who lie to ourselves.